our ministries

What is TLC Bible College?

The Love of Christ (TLC) Bible College is a (c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to making followers of the Lord Jesus and fishers of men.  

We are here for one reason, to glorify Lord Jesus and because He asks us to make disciples and build His Kingdom.   We hope you can find the courage and faith to do the same in your life, to make a difference, an eternal difference, a legacy that you belong to the Master. 

TLC Bible College is dedicated to the evangelization and discipleship of new people throughout the world and providing support for the homeless, incarcerated and sick (Matthew 25:40-46). We also focus on healing and restoring those who have been sexually, physically or spiritually abused or neglected.  

TLC Bible College operates solely on donations from caring, mission-minded individuals and churches.

Prison Ministry

Dr. Jeff met with one of our TLC Students in San Antonio, Texas.  Henry Teneyuca is a fine student who finished the doctorates program.  He has plans to build his own ministry and make converts for the Lord.  He wants to call this ministry “Rugged Cross Ministry”.    He is a fine example of an ambassador and someone who impresses me, someone that I would want as my own pastor.  Full of fire and love.  He is a world changer.

We have many students who went on to super rare and important ministries….  From homeless to veterans to rock stars and many in to professional ministry.   We also have many who will never leave prison and yet they have a wonderful mission inside.   We have super stars who are making disciples inside like Matthew Engelbrecht and Jessie Stephenson, and ones who even started international super ministries like Alfred Hubbard.   I have many more who are building the Kingdom.   Some are in conventional ministry and others are doing God’s work in some unusual fashion.   Some are making converts in their homes and workplaces and will never be in “official ministry” and that’s okay too. One reason I believe these broken people are being used to build the Lord’s Kingdom is that we are in the final days and the Lord needs workers for the harvest.    He seems to prefer the people who can relate to His own life of rejection and imprisonment. I like to think that these wonderful ambassadors are in my secret mafia, but in reality, these are the Lord Jesus’s warriors and I’ve been blessed to know them.

I just wanted to remind our students that there is hope and work for all, and I encourage you to learn as much as possible and as soon as your heart is soft, it seems the Lord places these students into wonderful ministries.   I want to meet with all of my precious ambassadors to encourage you in your work.

God bless forever…   I am on the left hand side, Henry on the right…

Dr. Jeff

Biblical Education

TLC Bible College offers distance training for students who desire a biblical education but do not have the financial resources to attend traditional residential college programs or are incarcerated. TLC Bible College has no tuition or charges for distance learning ministry education program. We have one mission, tell the World about Jesus, his amazing love and make disciples.  Many students have gone on to start ministries, including pastoring churches, counseling or chaplains.

Ministry certifications and degree programs (distance learning only) is available to students wanting to learn more about ministry and God.   


We believe that regeneration of the heart by the Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer to changing the behavior of inmates and saving souls.  Rehabilitation of inmates cannot be lasting or effective until there is first a heart change that comes from an individual becoming a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For help in Prescott…

The Salvation Army Prescott Corps
237 S Montezuma Street, Prescott, AZ 86303 (928) 778-0150

To serve a hot meal to the needy who come to The Salvation Army dining hall Monday to Friday at 8:00-8:30 a.m. They also have showers available.

Deep Freeze Shelter is for men only if the weather is 25 degrees or less.

Catholic Charities
434 West Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ 86301, (928) 778-2531

First Baptist Church of Prescott
148 S Marina St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (928)778-9790

First Baptist Church of Prescott believes in serving those who might find themselves in need. Ministries includes:

The “Master’s Clothes Closet” for those in need of clothing and household items

A “Soup Kitchen” that has been serving meals on Monday nights starting at 4:15 for over 25 years

An annual “Thanksgiving Basket” ministry to our neighbors. There are various other ministries that seek to “reach out” with love to help for our community. Please call the main church number for hours and assistance at 928-778-9790.

Coalition for Compassion and Justice (CCJ)Vision: Hope and Relief for People in Poverty.

Mission: To provide vital services, education and advocacy for those living in poverty, leading to self-sufficiency and a fair and just community for all.

Open Door  
In front of the Methodist Church Phone: 928-778-1950

Church on the Street
105 West Carleton Street, Prescott, AZ 86303 (928) 771-8428

 St. Vincent de Paul Society  
First Saturday in November till the last Saturday in March at Prescott United Methodist Church 505 W. Gurley St. and from the first Saturday in April (weather permitting) till the last Saturday in October at the Monument Park on the West Side of Montezuma St across from the Depot Shopping Center.   Serves a hot meal at 11.

Common Ground Mission
The shelter will provide basic resources to homeless/transitional women and children of Yavapai County.


for donations

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